I used the idea of a book for my header since this challenge is going to be a journal of my life over the years.
I hope you enjoy viewing these pages of my life as they unfold. I know I will...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Highs and Lows

Today was filled with highs and lows. A major high, was my cousin coming to visit from Colorado. She's a photographer too so she came to have some fun. It was so amazing to see her again. I invited all my brothers over to meet her and we got a giant pizza from the Pie. Yum.

The low, was Abby going in this morning for her cavity and crown. It was a low because I had no idea that watching my child be put under anesthesia would be so traumatic for her and me. They started with gas and she did not like it at all. She started freaking out - kicking and screaming. I could only hold her and promise it would be okay. I remember looking in her eyes watching them go from complete terror to being lifeless. I never want to see that again. It was so hard to watch her go completely limp as if all life went out of her. Yes, I cried.

1 comment:

Kyla Stevens said...

Oh Suzanne, I know what you mean, my daughter had that done three years ago and it was so sad. I hope you don't ever have to do that again either.